20% Off Radical Radiance Regime™
Memberships Are Here!
Sign up for RRR™ membership and receive a discount for monthly facial
*Must call or mention in person to sign up. Only available at SLF Yorkville Location.
A WORD FROM amanda
“I am on a mission to share my knowledge and to shine a light on all the complexity that the beauty industry generates in order to sell empty promises. Let’s stand up and say, ‘no more’. Join my quiet rebellion, its a beautiful thing. ”

Unapologetically Unconventional.
Beauty from within.
Beauty through surrender.
Unapologetically Unconventional.
Beauty from within.
Beauty through surrender.
Unapologetically Unconventional.
Beauty from within.
Beauty through surrender.
Unapologetically Unconventional.
Beauty from within.
Beauty through surrender.
Unapologetically Unconventional.
Beauty from within.
Beauty through surrender.
Unapologetically Unconventional.
Beauty from within.
Beauty through surrender.